About Dr Alexa Potter

MA(Cantab), BM BCh, FRACS (Plas)
Dr Potter undertook the first part of her Medical Degree at Cambridge University in England and completed her clinical studies at Oxford University. She was awarded her Masters Degree from Cambridge in 1998 and Bachelor of Medical and Surgery from Oxford in 1999. During her studies she spent a year at the University of Wisconsin, Madison USA where she was granted an Honorary Graduate Fellowship to perform research in the field of Molecular Cell Biology and Virology.
After completing Basic Surgical Training in the UK, Dr Potter achieved Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons, England, and went on to gain nearly 3 years experience in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery before moving to Adelaide.
Since arriving in Australia, she has trained under national and international experts in Plastic Surgery. In 2016 She was awarded her fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Throughout her training Dr Potter’s primary subspecialist interest has been surgery of the hand and wrist, including arthritis, Dupuytrens Disease and nerve disorders as well as acute injuries and reconstruction. Most recently she has undertaken additional Specialist Training at the internationally recognised Brisbane Hand and Upper Limb Research Institute. This was endorsed by the Australasian Hand Surgery Society to further her expertise in this field.
Dr Potter holds a Staff Specialist position at Flinders Medical Centre and Noarlunga Hospital in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Unit. She is involved in directing the Hand Surgery services and is an integral member of the multidisciplinary Sarcoma and Bone Tumour Unit. She is involved in the supervision and training of junior doctors and medical students and is a lecturer in Plastic Surgery + Anatomy at Flinders University.
In private practice Dr Potter primarily consults from Specialist Clinics at Blackwood Hospital- a purpose built facility in Belair. She also consults at Stirling Hospital and at the new Seaford Day Surgery. She welcomes referrals for a wide range of general Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive issues as well specialist Hand + Wrist Surgery problems.
Dr Potter believes it is important to ensure that her patients understand their condition and are able to make an informed decision about their treatment. Some information can be found on this website, and Dr Potter will be able to discuss things further during the consultation.